Monday, Monday

 "Monday, Monday, so good to me Monday mornin’, it was all I hoped it would be..." that was the opening lyrics to the hit song for The Mamas & Papas in 1966.

 Monday 4th November 2024 was the day of my biopsy. It went well, well, as well as it could have gone, I do look like I've gone a couple of rounds with Mike Tyson with my hands tied behind my back.

 I have to wait 3 weeks for the results, so fingers crossed it's not something major! Before my biopsy I was told to decrease the steroids along with other medication so that the procedure could go ahead. Medication have kept the inflammation at bay for up to 14 months, but now all medication has been restored to the prescription levels that were prescribed before the procedure.

 I'll be keeping busy in my studio and looking forward to a hectic upcoming event days throughout November and December with Steven Howard Gallery at Trentham with The Makers Market.

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