Living The Dream
My Dream!
It's always been a dream to own my own business and the journey has been rocky. Steering the ship through turbulent waters saps your energy but with help and the support of friends, family and suppliers there's light at the end of the tunnel. There's been some tough decisions along the way but it's all come together to bring this exciting news...
It's certainly a massive decision considering the high street has taken a big hit and many big stores have gone. We've been growing at an alarming rate and to keep up with demand we've had to expand to show more originals and limited editions.
It's now official, I've signed on the dotted line and ready to move into kiosk 1 on the Trentham Shopping Village, Stone Road, Trentham, Stoke-on-Trent ST4 8JG
Posters are going up this week and I'll be in from the 14th January on sporadic days adding artwork and gallery fixtures and fittings. The sign should be in place before we open on the 1st February 2025. We'll be adding a video and photos of the kiosk displaying the whereabouts and how to find us on our Facebook page! Keep updated on events and how we are progressing week by week. View page to see updates here
The Fun Starts In February
Here's the kiosk, so if you're popping into Trentham Village we would love to see you!
Kiosk 1 Trentham Shopping Village, Stone Road, Trentham, Stoke-on-Trent ST4 8JG
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