
Showing posts from September, 2024

It's getting worse!

 Well, the condition affecting my eye has got a lot worse, it's now affecting my good eye! How the hell these experts cannot detect the problem I have and diagnose the cause from the symptoms without performing a biopsy is beyond me! Surely there are other people that are suffering or have suffered the same or similar symptoms worldwide?  All the scans, appointments and the many answers i've provided to the questions asked must have led to some discovery. It's bloody frustrating and upsetting me on a daily basis now. I'm not religious! But if I thought it would help regain my sight, I would follow that cult.  I have a biopsy pre-assessment on 19th September, hopefully I'll get a date and what is entailed in the procedure. Click image to View the full picture.  It may be taking me a lot longer to create the detail I was once renowned, but I'm determined to provide the same standard of accuracy and detail in my paintings.

Girls can't play football

Back in the late 60's early 70's, I must have only been 6 or 7 when I used to play football with friends in the street and back alley ways of Manchester. I remember there was a girl that used to hang around but not having the confidence to ask to join in, she would just kick a ball against the wall close to where we were playing. One day when we turned up to play and as we were placing jackets and jumpers for goalposts, we noticed we were a man down, only 7 of us! I suggested the girl (who had shown up again) make up a team? "A girl?" said Bunker who was, let's just say a large boy for his age and always black from helping his dad who was a coalman. Bunker finally succumbed after some bickering and we put the girl on the weaker team. The girl scored 7 goals! The very next time the girl showed up, she was first pick to play on our team. 😁

Ambitious Plans

 So I'm waiting for a biopsy and the feeling of anxiety won't go away, which I suppose is understandable. I've been instructed to reduce the steroids so the biopsy can go ahead. Steroids may help to reduce the inflammation but unfortunately they also  blanket the source of the problems. I've received a letter for a pre-assesment 19th September, so hopefully the biopsy should be performed a week later.  I've not really been that active in the studio to date, I've dabbled, but nothing that I would consider a work of art. I just can't concentrate on anything, I pick up a pencil or paintbrush and I get enthusiastic, then my mind fills of thoughts.  Hopefully In the meantime I will keep busy with some creative days.  I've got some plans in place to take Steven Howard Gallery to the next stage. Plans that are very ambitious and will be unveiled soon. Follow the link and subscribe for news and updates in October: Newsletter