Thank you!

 Thank you so much to everyone that takes the time to read my blogs. It is quite refreshing to know that you spend the time in this fast active none stop world we live in. It's lovely to hear from those of you that have sent your good wishes. It may take me some time in getting my response out but I will.

I used to keep everything inside, not share problems and bottled it up. I was once told, write everything down, no matter how insignificant it may seem, once you write it down and read it back you'll see a different perspective. It does work!

I'm no writer, I can assure you of that! But just like a writer I like to document things, get it down on canvas and get it it out there! See who responds? Mostly it's positive, some negative. The negativity I collect, place it in an imaginary bin liner with the wording "Do not respond" on it and go back to creating more!

First stage of oil on canvas! Getting the values right. The boats should be interesting, very detailed and the reflections will be a challenge.


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