Working From Home?

 As more organisations openly engage and encourage employees back to the office I sit in my studio thinking "I'm so glad I'm an artist" 😃

The office is great for the development of individuals and organisations encourage this. They want the interaction of their staff to bounce ideas off one another, swapping thoughts on projects etc. Looking back to my first job after leaving college as a young inspiring and creative individual entering the world of design and technology was very daunting. I wasn't all that happy with the close working environment within an office/studio. I learned very quickly that all my working ideas presented became the company's products and ultimately thier copyright ©️. Something didn't sit right with me and I was very uncomfortable with this arrangement. Ideas that I brought to the table should be mine, right? Not quite! Employment meant that the company had the rights to my ideas, after all I did sign a contract of employment. But not for long, I don't like to be tied down!

Some artists like to interact and be among others. Not me! I'm an artist that loves my solitude, my own thoughts, my own ideas and my own space. I do interact and engage with collectors and art enthusiasts at our event days, but not when I'm painting. It's important to know, that the greatest works of any artist are often created whilst in solitude, with their own thoughts and not influenced by others.


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