Can talent be taught?

 Can talent really be taught? I don't think so! Raw talent can be nurtured and developed, but to actually teach someone without any talent evident or is incapable of displaying any amount of interest in the subject, will surely result in failure. I hear people quote "It's a gift" or he/she is "Born with it". I am a firm believer that if you display any amount of ability at a very young age you should be free to express that god given talent.

What if this talent is bestowed upon you but you are deprived of the free time to express your talent? "Then you must try harder?" Certainly not my words, but often spoken without thought or compassion. It is widely understood that If you have the money and background status you will succeed? It is also said that if you are born with talent but haven't the money or any background status you can achieve! You have the desire, the belief, the energy and hunger but most of all the talent you were born with.

So many people throw in the towel because of frustration due to lack of funding and the necessary willpower. There is the thought we should adopt, and no it's not "Mind Over Matter" or "Positive Thinking" or even that irritating and condescending phrase, "Positive Mental Attitude" aargh! It's simply carry on with whatever you have started. Don't compare your achievements with others in your chosen field but keep setting yourself small goals. If you're not achieving the goals you've set yourself, you are setting your targets too high. Set small achievable goals for yourself, you will be amazed when you finally look back at the targets you have conquered. Let's face it, if you are confronted with a set of stairs we don't jump to the top, we take each step at a time, and sure enough, we reach the top!


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