Don't Just Think About It!
It's been three weeks since my biopsy, my eye is a little sensitive, very bloodshot and i'm struggling to get a goodnights sleep. It's so frustrating and boredom fills the day unable to paint, I suppose it's understandable under the circumstances and I do need the rest to get back to full fitness. Having said that I also need to get out there and be part of the community. I've just completed a Makers Market at Trentham on Saturday 16th. It felt good, it's always hard work but enjoyable. It's always been my philosophy "The time to do something is the time you're thinking about it". It's not something that you can always act upon. I've always been spontaneous and at the same time hesitant, yeah a bit mixed up, I suppose. As you get older those inhibitions that held you back in your younger days get pushed aside. You tend to mould your goals into reality and dismiss negative vibes from others and life choices become clearer. Join me at T...