
Showing posts from November, 2024

Don't Just Think About It!

 It's been three weeks since my biopsy, my eye is a little sensitive, very bloodshot and i'm struggling to get a goodnights sleep. It's so frustrating and boredom fills the day unable to paint, I suppose it's understandable under the circumstances and I do need the rest to get back to full fitness. Having said that I also need to get out there and be part of the community. I've just completed a Makers Market at Trentham on Saturday 16th. It felt good, it's always hard work but enjoyable.  It's always been my philosophy "The time to do something is the time you're thinking about it". It's not something that you can always act upon. I've always been spontaneous and at the same time hesitant, yeah a bit mixed up, I suppose. As you get older those inhibitions that held you back in your younger days get pushed aside. You tend to mould your goals into reality and dismiss negative vibes from others and life choices become clearer. Join me at T...

Monday, Monday

 " Monday, Monday, so good to me  Monday mornin’, it was all I hoped it would be..." that was the opening lyrics to the hit song for The Mamas & Papas in 1966.  Monday 4th November 2024 was the day of my biopsy. It went well, well, as well as it could have gone, I do look like I've gone a couple of rounds with Mike Tyson with my hands tied behind my back.  I have to wait 3 weeks for the results, so fingers crossed it's not something major! Before my biopsy I was told to decrease the steroids along with other medication so that the procedure could go ahead. Medication have kept the inflammation at bay for up to 14 months, but now all medication has been restored to the prescription levels that were prescribed before the procedure.  I'll be keeping busy in my studio and looking forward to a hectic upcoming event days throughout November and December with Steven Howard Gallery  at Trentham with The Makers Market. Click image to learn more

Good News?

 I have waited such a  long time for my biopsy slot and finally the date has been set for 4th November 2024. The procedure will only go ahead subject to my HbA1c being below 69 which is considered to be safe in the control of infection for any medical procedure.   My  HbA1c  level has been high, a reading of 74 for quite sometimes but has now come down to 64. I've no idea what I've done differently to get my  HbA1c down but it's, I suppose, a good position to be in.   Thank you to everyone who has sent their good wishes and support. I will hopefully get more originals out there soon. I've certainly got some time now, I've got to keep away from crowds to minimise infection for 72 hours before my biopsy so I'll be painting to pass the time away over the weekend. If you want to see my latest work "What's on the easel?" Join my art group:   Stevens Art  Framed Originals can be purchased from the website:  Website All completed unframed origi...